
Vax Rapide Carpet Washer (Dual V V-124A)

Vax rapide carpet washer Dual V V-124A is an especially built carpet cleaner that comes with a dual-v air-path technology for speeding up the drying up times, spin-scrub brushes for loosening up the dust on carpets (deep clean), removes odors and guarantees professional looking results.

Below some of its other hardware details in brief...

*. Comes with another technology called "heated cleaning" for better stain removals

*. Not a pure water only steamer but if you need professional results then it has to use chemicals.

*. Has two large tanks for both fresh water (3.7 liters) and for the dirty water (capacity of 3.2 liters).

*. The wire cord has a length of 9 meters which is long and the hose is about 2.3 meters (roughly). So when added they both make about 11 meters.

*. All these nice features comes with a cost of their own (longer cables, hose, bigger tanks, etc) which is the weight itself. Although this is not the heaviest but still the 11.5 kg won't make it any easier to move around your house while lifting. But remember it is a deep cleaner not a light-weight steamer, but apart from if you have to lift it to carry around, the weight won't come in between while pulling or pushing nonetheless.

*. Comes with a 6 years of warranty.

*. Has a powerful motor which uses 1350 of Watts.

*. The nozzle is big (both the width and the height). So won't be easy to glide under narrow objects.

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If you have lots of carpets and rugs filled with dust and need to deep clean them then this is the one to go!. I mean it is heavy and all that but for that weight you'll get one of the most powerful steamers nonetheless. Apart from removing dust with oily other stuff it also removes pet hair as well. It automatically mixes the chemical solution. The nozzle may not glide under narrow objects but can be used to clean corners without missing any spots.

It is powerful but is really noisy. You "may" even have to consider wearing ear-buds!, so consider if you can withstand the noise.The nozzle with the help of the brushes + the suction remove both pollens and dust mites who are among the reasons for carpets related stain "expansions" (recommended for allergy sufferers). 

If you want to use it on stairs, upholstery or other subtle surfaces such as removing stains on your couch then the provided SpinScrub hand tool will come in handy. So if you're wiling to cope the noise, weight, the price and want to deep clean your carpets (including some other subtle surfaces as mentioned) with excellent results then Vax Rapide Carpet Washer Dual V V-124A is one of the best heavy-duty ready commercial products you can get. A highly recommended product.

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