
Dirt Devil CE7900, Review

Dirt devil ce7900 is an excellent carpet extractor (cleaner) that has a powerful motorized brush rolls which rotates at the opposite directions and ultimately result in a better dust removal from your carpets. Another very useful thing about it is the separate tank which is used to keep the chemical solution separate from the water. So for any reason, if you don't like to use chemicals in some portion in your house, say... your kitchen for instance, then this is pretty useful.

Below are some of the main hardware details first...

*. Has dual brush rolls (motorized).

*. Rather than the more conventional method, it has two suction nozzles which can suck faster the dirty water on the rugs and carpets, but also will improve the drying up durations as well.

*. The wire cord has a length about 25ft which is pretty good.

*. The 7 Amp motor is a powerful one but not as powerful as the 12 Amp versions that comes with some vacuum cleaners but still it is quite powerful.

*. The cleaning path is the widest of all so far I have seen to be honest. I've seen 13", 14" and even 15" ones but the ce7900 comes with a mammoth 19" inches.

*. The attachment hose has a length of 8ft.

*. Main tank which is being used to store fresh water has a capacity of 1 Gallon.

*. Upright design.

*. Has a 2 year warranty period.

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It comes with the guaranteed dry cleanings from the manufacture Dirt devil them selves, meaning that the dirty water will have very very low chance to absorb itself into the carpets. Thanks to the huge cleaning head you will be able to clean a larger carpeted area in your house with significantly faster times.

It won't "waste" cleaning solution by using larger amounts with the water (which is the case with some other products). And has the ability to give one of the best results in comparison with other similar commercial products such as this vax rapide carpet washer (which is another good product btw).

Even if you have the most thickest carpets still after using the ce7900 they will be dried out within 2 or 4 hours at maximum (decently dry even few minutes after using). Not only on carpets but this tool can be used no hardwood, tiles, marble or almost all types of bare floors as well. But the best results will be with the carpets nonetheless (including pet hair).And after filling with the water it will be a little bit heavier, but this is not a fault of its own since its unavoidable anyway and not a big concern either.

So after considering the Dirt Devil ce7900 carpet extractor's excellent performance, multi-usability (since it is suitable for multiple floor types, etc), larger tank, cheap but very good chemical solution, etc I'd rate it with 4 stars and 1 point is taken away due to the a bit heavier weight. But that being said if you have those needs then this is can be highly recommended for you.

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